Site and Wellhead Evaluation
(API-6A:RP1170 and RP1171)
- Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR for Methane, C02, H2s)
- Inventory Valuation and Asset Management of Field Assets
- Wellhead Integrity Evaluations (Safety and PHMSA Audit Risk Models)
- Emergency Response Data Planning
- Comprehensive compliance evaluations on storage service pressure control equipment (PHMSA Part 192).
- Wellhead Seal Integrity testing, repair, and replacement.
- Preventive Maintenance and repair on Wellhead and Control Valves (w/ all history available 24/7 via Online APP.)
- Calibrated Mechanical Integrity Tests (MIT) on new and existing wellhead equipment
- Wellhead annular pressure monitoring solutions and services. (taking pressure readings, weldless hot taps, monitoring ports, plating, and isolations for annulars)
- Tubing and Packer / Liner jobs - Recompletion wellheads, Tubing Hangers, Seal, and MIT Testing
- We inspect, gather, evaluate, and deliver manageable data to our customers.
Online access to well info, maintenance records, and all documentation


Mapping Software with remote access 24/7